Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Christmas Village

 This Tablescape took me on journey when i saw it at #Walmart. Yes, i stood there looking at each plate with its separate picture telling one story. I saw a Village with a beautiful Christmas Tree covered in snow with deers grazing nearby. I can hear the whistle of the train as it approaches and the children stop and wave as it passes quickly by. There are Horses outside the barn neighing loudly as the train travels loudly down the tracks. I can imagine it’s close to Christmas time and families are arriving at the station to celebrate the holiday.
I am often asked how do you decide what items to buy or how do you come up with ideas for  tablescapes ? I think it is just my nature to see what others don’t. I see beyond the physical i see the possibilities. I think everything has a story or a lesson, a place setting for example can be just plates and other items on a table. But, what if you just took the time and used your imagination and  have an open mind to the what if’s

How often do we  miss out on things because we don't explore the what ifs. We pass by or ignore others because we judge to quickly or we make assumptions. Taking the time to ask questions or hold a conversation could make a difference in your life and others. By being open to new and different possibilities you open up a world full of endless opportunities to love and grow. Often the beauty is found in the unknown or unexpected. 

The next time you are out open your heart and eyes to all Gods beauty, live in the possibilities not the regrets of what if . 


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Passover Meal

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